About Us

Formed in 1991, Housing Partners I, Inc. (HPI) was tasked to develop, own, and manage affordable housing, and provide housing counseling services to low and moderate income people in the County of San Bernardino.

As a nonprofit 501 (c)(3), HPI is designated as a Community Housing Development Organization. This allows HPI to apply for and receive HOME funds from the County of San Bernardino Department of Community Development and Housing and other cities for the acquisition, development, and rehabilitation of housing units.

Experienced Affordable Housing

HPI is an experienced affordable housing developer and integral part of serving County of San Bernardino. HPI has established successful partners with various agencies, municipalities, financial institutions, and housing developers within the County of San Bernardino.

Numerous financial

San Bernardino County
Department of Community
Development and Housing

Housing Authority of the
County of San Bernardino

City of San Bernadino
Economic Development

Affordable housing to working families

HPI is an affiliate of the Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino (HACSB), who is under contract to manage HPI’s activities.

To date, HPI has 963 developed and acquired almost 1,300 units.